Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 24

There's not much to report from the past couple days. I wasn't scheduled for a game Tuesday and didn't get in as the first alternate Wednesday. So now I'm back on track with the same number of games as most people. They've been throwing in a lot more arguments and ejections into both the camp games and cage work, but I have yet to be on the receiving end of anything more than minor chirping. At first, I thought this was not good because they aren't challenging me with tough situations. But upon further review, most of the arguments are a result of somebody messing up a call or somebody getting a call right, but then not being confident about it when questioned by a "manager." I haven't really messed things up, so I haven't given them many openings for confrontation. Still, I predict that in my next game, they're going to have some sort of scripted play where they force me to eject somebody. It's supposed to rain the next two days, so that might not happen till Saturday, but whenever it happens, I'll be ready.

1 comment:

  1. I demand some sort of video or audio proof when you finally do send someone to the showers.
